
Tweety with umbrella and bowler hat in United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Isle of Purbeck[Unesco][+]

I really enjoyed these coastal scenery with stunning views. The coastline of Dorset, which includes the coast of the Isle of Purbeck, is listed by Unesco.

Durdle door

The bay is pleasant and the limestone arch adds charm to the place.

Durdle door arch Durdle door

Lulworth cove

This circular cove is superb (you can download the wallpaper from the homepage of the website).

Lulworth cove

In the vicinity

60 km (35 miles) away from the Isle of Purbeck and 15 km (10 miles) away from Dorchester, one can see a chalked giant in Cerne Abbas. It is supposed to represent fertility.

We do not know if it is a representation of Hercules from Roman mythology, but it would probably date back to the 17th century as no trace of its existence has been discovered before that period.

Giant of Cerne Abbas

3 km (2 miles) south of Dorchester, we can also go to Maiden Castle.